Friday, June 24, 2011

Reasons - the reasons for decline in diabetes

Reasons - the reasons for decline in diabetes                                                                                        Taking an overdose of medication (insulin or pills)                                              
Not to take meals in the main or snack times of the correct and proper Pkmyatha                             Violent sport and physical effort and without taking extra meals

Symptoms - symptoms of diabetes, high

Symptoms - symptoms of diabetes, high                                     Feeling thirsty and urinate frequently, dry mouth, fatigue and feeling tired                     

Symptoms - symptoms of diabetes, low

Symptoms - symptoms of diabetes, low                                                                                          Sweating, chills, dizziness and hair feeling hungry and sleepy and the mood changes   

Low and high blood sugar

Should contain the body of a patient with diabetes on the amount of balanced glucose in the blood, rangingbetwen70-180mg/100mll                                                                                                               and at the lack of sugar in the blood for this rate (less than 70-180 mg / 100 ml) results in our so called lowbloodsugar                                                                                                                                                             but when you increase the percentage of sugar in the blood than normal (more than 180 mg / 100 mll) results in our so-called high blood sugar